When we nurture our feelings of safety and belonging with others, we nurture our feelings of safety and belonging in the world. This has a positive impact on our well-being.
— Darren, Wellness Concerts for Humans

Connection through music

Connection is an essential human need.

Wellness Concerts for Humans are currently available for Senior humans only.

I have seen music bring seniors more into the present moment, as they connect to the music they connect to themselves and stimulate cognitive functions. Many come to a more awake state where they are better able to engage with others. During this window of heightened awareness, we encourage connection with themselves and others to foster closer relationships, a stronger sense of community, and improved sense of belonging.

Nurturing Safety and Belonging

When we nurture our feelings of safety and belonging with others, we nurture our feelings safety and belonging in the world. This has a positive impact on our well-being. We humans are pack animals, we need meaningful connection with other humans to thrive. We need to express ourselves and to feel seen and understood. Music is an effective opening for emotional expression.

Opening new Possibilities for friendships

Often seniors have limiting beliefs that meaningful connection comes from people in their life before, family and friends outside of the care home. We want to encourage that meaningful human connection can happen between any humans who have the intent and desire to connect meaningfully together. During Wellness Concerts for Humans, participants will have opportunities to share meaningfully with those around them while feeling their connection through music.

Play is good for humans

Singing and laughing together reduces tension, often elevating mood and creating an opening for new possibilities. Nurturing positive emotions helps to make these emotions more accessible, reducing self-focus and feelings of isolation and loneliness that can be stuck on a loop.

How does it work?

As a singer, therapist, and Wellness Coach, I have many ideas of connection and ideas for feeling well that I can bring into the space when we are engaging between songs. This is not group therapy, this is a peer-support group where we practice loving kindness and encourage participants to share and connect with each other, while enjoying music together. As a therapist, I know that we humans suffer when we lack meaningful connection, and often just a little support to reach for others can make a big difference in wellness and life satisfaction. How you feel matters.

Free Concerts

I enjoy singing at the piano and sharing music and connection with others. I choose music that many will recognize and identify with, some will even connect to their memories and sing along. I am happy to share some free concerts with the time constraint that it needs to be one of the centres within a 10 minute walk of 225 Wellesley St East, to be free. I need to make an income with most of my time and energy so if more than a few minutes away I need to charge for my time and transportation so the free concert doesn’t cost me too much in missed client sessions. If more concerts are desired they are available for a fee.

Paid Concerts

When it comes to scheduling more concerts, my cost is related to time, as I am scheduling Wellness Concerts between therapy sessions. The distance travelled is a factor since time away determines how many sessions are displaced by a concert. It’s also possible to set-up other types of group work if residents are interested in engaging in wellness topics more directly, or if other mental-health support is needed. Friendship Groups for Humans is all about sharing and connection, please visit that page for more details.

If your facility is very near to Wellesley and Sherbourne, the cost for a 50-minute concert is two sessions at my current rate. I am currently in my introductory rate of $150 per session and I will lock in this rate for 6-months as to not disrupt services when my rate increases.

In-House Therapy

I am a compassionate, relational Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying). I can be claimed by insurance that includes psychotherapy and I can accept direct payment by credit cards, cash, or etransfers. I am available to schedule in-house sessions for individual therapy if there are several residents who would like to schedule sessions in sequence, or before or after a scheduled Wellness Concert to make it feasible. I can provide consults by phone or video call, or if several are scheduled in sequence. Video therapy could be conducted if the resident is able to access a screen and headphones with mic adequate for the resident to hear well.

No Risk

Contact me for an obligation-free Wellness Concert. It will be my pleasure to come to your facility and connect with residents; therapy and music are my passions combined. I look forward to hearing from you.

This is not group therapy, this is a peer-support group where we practice loving kindness and encourage participants to share and connect with each other, while enjoying music together.
— Darren, Wellness Groups for Humans

Contact me today and let’s talk about how we can improve the quality of life of your senior residents.